Mélodine Sommier is currently working as an Academy Research Fellow at the Department of Language and Communication Studies (University of Jyväskylä, Finland). Within the field of Intercultural Communication, her work concentrates on the use of culture as a discursive and an interactional resource.

She mostly relies on critical and discursive approaches to examine the construction of cultural realities and outcomes regarding the (re)production of difference. Her research project on ‘racial landscapes’ (2022-2027) focuses on the way race, racism and whiteness materialize in everyday urban spaces across Europe in ways that contribute to (re)produce and contest existing discourses and processes of racialization. She is producing the podcast ‘Struggles in the city’ as part of this research project in which she talks with fellow researchers about different power struggles permeating cities.
In addition to being an ETMU board member, Mélodine acts as chair of the Intercultural and International Communication division at the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) and serves as one of the Associate Editors of the Journal of Intercultural Communication Research.