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By-laws of the Annika Forsander Memorial Fund

1 §

On May 4, 2018, the Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (hereafter, ETMU) founded the Annika Forsander Memorial Fund (hereafter, the Fund; in Finnish Annika Forsanderin muistorahasto, in Swedish Annika Forsanders minnesfond).

2 §

The assets of the Fund comprise donations given to commemorate Annika Forsander. ETMU shall open a separate bank account for the Fund in Osuuspankki.

3 §

The Fund was formed solely for the purpose of awarding grants to PhD students whose doctoral dissertation focuses on a topic related to the research field that ETMU represents, i.e. the study of ethnic relations and international migration. The Fund shall support the participation of PhD students in international conferences by providing grants for travel and conference expenses.

4 §

The Fund shall be managed by the board of ETMU. The board makes sure that the purpose of the Fund is followed in funding decisions. The board shall create a plan about the use of the assets on an annual basis.

5 §

The call for grant applications shall be released once a year by the ETMU board. The call shall be disseminated via ETMU’s email lists, website, and social media channels (Facebook and Twitter).

6 §

The funding decisions shall be made by the ETMU board on the basis of application documents provided by the applicants (CV and an informal application, including a travel plan, budget, and an explanation of the significance of the conference for the applicant). A priority shall be given to PhD students in the beginning of their dissertation research, who do not have any other funding for conference attendance at their disposal. The recipient of the grant must be a member of ETMU and actively registered as a graduate student in a Finnish university. The recipient must also submit a certification that their paper, poster etc. has been approved in the conference program. The members of the ETMU board are not eligible to receive grants from the Fund. The contact person shall be the secretary of ETMU.

7 §

The Fund shall exist as long as there are assets available in the bank account dedicated to the Fund. After the donations have been exhausted, the ETMU board shall make a separate decision about the closing of the Fund, or its continuation with other resources. The ETMU board may solicit and accept donations and testaments, if their purpose is aligned with the purpose of this Fund.

8 §

These by-laws may be amended, repealed, or added to by the ETMU board.

The by-laws have been confirmed by the ETMU board on May 18, 2018.