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Annika Forsander Memorial Fund: Call for Travel Grant Applications

The Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU) announces a call for travel grant applications, funded by the Annika Forsander Memorial Fund, to support the participation of PhD researchers in international research conferences. The applicants must be members of ETMU, and their research topic must be related to the field that ETMU represents, i.e. the study of ethnic relations and international migration.

The deadline for applications is September 30, 2018. ETMU will award 1-2 travel grants, depending on the size of the awards. A single grant cannot exceed 1000 euros. In the grant decisions, priority will be given to early-stage PhD researchers who do not have any other travel funding at their disposal.

More information and application guidelines on the ETMU website:

Contact person: the secretary of the ETMU board Angel Iglesias Ortiz: angel.iglesiasortiz(at)