Mobile Lives, Glocal Complexities – the 19th ETMU conference is approaching!
Participants have been invited to discuss contemporary and historical mobilities and migration at local, national, and other meaningful levels, and to explore global/local intersections and encounters. By referencing the “glocal” paradigm in the title, the conference aims to promote multi-scalar perspectives on migration and mobility and encourages the questioning of the ways in which migratory experiences and borders presently are challenged and reshaped at different levels (local, national, international). The conference programme includes exciting keynotes by prominent scholars from the field and 102 paper presentations that address such topical issues as migrant integration and contribution, racism, inter-ethnic relations, international migration, as well as representations in literature and methodological debates.
The workshops and abstracts have been published:
Workshops – The 19th Etmu Days, 24-25 November 2022, Joensuu (
Registration for the Conference already is open:
REGISTRATION – The 19th Etmu Days, 24-25 November 2022, Joensuu (